Just a little test. Wall white on the top part of the paper, installation blue on the bottom half.
This is promising for future installations.
Just a little test. Wall white on the top part of the paper, installation blue on the bottom half.
This is promising for future installations.
Back in the studio (Yay! Walls!) and I am working on an installation. A little paint here, a little vinyl there. I am trying to go bigger than I have before, with some success. This work is probably approx 2.5m x 3m x 2m (l x W x H). However, I have been limited by the size of the vinyl I’ve been able to source so far. I have hopefully found a place where I can get some larger widths, which will enable me to be a bit more daring with size. I would just paint, but I like using both paint and vinyl together. I think they have good conversations with each other.
One of the vinyls I’m using is shimmery-reflective gold. Not normally the sort of thing I’d go for, but I was feeling adventuress. It paid off: one, I think it’s a really good colour to work with, and two – by using it in the corner, it has reflected itself and created a new form that isn’t actually in the work. You can see the dark area in the middle-right of the picture. That’s actually all gold vinyl and just a reflection of itself. I did use reflective items last year, but I think it’s something I need to explore again.
Above, another angle of the work, and a peek at the mess I make while working.
Still To Do
This work is only really half done. Tomorrow I’ll work on adding lines/detail up to the right of the work. I may also incorporate some more reflective elements, and I want to add some parts that jut out from the work. I have often used wool in the past to add a tactility and to bring the work out of the corner and into the room’s space. This time I want to see how using wood instead might change the work.
Above: I have grown a bit of a fascination with the lines I see everywhere. I think I have mentioned before my delight in the cable channels cut into the road. Here’s some good ones I snapped on the way home tonight, also starring my feet. Great fodder for my paintings (the lines, not my feet!).
Trailing back through the past week, I have been working on this work whenever I get a chance. Today I was able to finish it! And went for a drive to find a good spot for a mini photo shoot.
I’ve tried some new materials, contemplating what the spacing between the shapes needs to be, etc. This is foam core, muslin and enamel paint, so a fairly lightweight object. When I make another, I would like to try still other materials. Perhaps some Masonite or some kind of wood/wood product which would offer more weight and therefore different properties. Also, I need to consider another fabric other than muslin to work as backing, as muslin is a very coarsely woven fabric which warps and stretches on the diagonal and this, I have learned, is not ideal for this work.
I am so pleased with how the paint takes to the foam core. It has a beautiful gloss to it and reminds me of a new car. The addition of the grey adds another element of depth to the space it occupies. It’s also another link to the Nebulous paintings the work is based on.
Now it just needs a name…
When a new friend discovers that I’m an artist, the question that follows is usually, ‘what type of art do you make?’ A daunting question, to be sure. How can I sum my art practice (years of thinking, painting, making, trial and error and creative block) in just one teeny-tiny sentence? The best idea is to have an answer prepared ahead of time, knowing that I will be asked. But even that is overwhelming. And how to do it without descending into art jargon my new friend may be ignorant of?
Here’s how it usually goes…
“well – ah… I’m a painter?… and I make abstract work about shapes and space and ah… but I don’t just paint pictures on canvas. I’m interested in installation and stuff as well….?” *hopeful grin*
Ah, that went well…
Isn’t ‘undulating’ a fabulous word! Unduuulatiiing.
When initially making artwork I began, as I suppose most do, by making representational (IE: work that is a representation of something that exists) paintings/drawings. I often found myself wanting to simplify and stylize my subject. Organic details and lines would become blocky. Art school gave me the freedom to take this to the nth degree. I rocketed towards geometric abstraction (IE: abstract artwork which is based on the use of geometric forms).
While the art I consume contains representational and non-representational work, in my own art practice I found myself less interested in making representational art. I wasn’t interested in trying to reproduce something that already existed and furthermore, something that had perhaps been photographed as a reference to paint from, I would be thus reproducing the reproduction. Having said that, I hold no illusions that my work is 100% original, I don’t live in a vacuum so I will always be influenced by other artists and creative practice and so much the better. But I am content to experiment with my own visual language and see where it takes me.
I have been ponderously-pondering these things as I prepare for my upcoming exhibition and the prospect of showing my work. When I’ve shown work before, I had been overly self-conscious. But now I am more at ease with my processes and reasoning. Still, it is challenging to bring artwork into the light of day and to the eyes of those who have never seen my work before. But bring it!
*Hehe, note: ‘What type of art do you make?’ was actually the only deceptively challenging question contained within.
I have returned. Why hello there!
I had a peculiar thought this morning. What happens when I get sick of geometric shapes and bright colours? It puzzled me for a moment. Then I went into my studio and got right stuck in. I don’t think getting sick of geometric shapes and colours will happen any time soon.
So permit me, if you will, to share a work in progress.
Since I began painting shapes butted up against each other on canvas, depicting the presence of undulating space, I have day dreamed about making those shapes into an object. But for many months, I haven’t quite known how. Perhaps it wasn’t so very hard, I just had to try it out. ‘Learn by doing’.
The beautiful thing about working with this object is its kinetic properties. Once made, it lays flat. But pull at any shape in the object and it forms an almost mountainous contour, with each facet aligning to support the higher peaks. Quite fascinating to play with.
Here I have worked with pretty lowly materials: cardboard, spray paint and muslin. But it’s a wonderful starting point. Now my next task is to investigate other materials. I love the gloss of the enamel paint though. My plan is to take it out into the street and photograph it in some secret spots. But the weather has not recently been cooperative. Soon.
Will also look into some other colour possibilities. This one I’ve made in this beautiful orange, but as with the Nebulous paintings on canvas, maybe two or three colours would be good. I’d also love to scale up. Busy busy.