Exhibition Prep: Bits and Pieces
Squee! I am super excited about my exhibition, Dimensions of Space, and it opens in just 3 days! Not nervous. Just a touch of the ol’ racing-mind, trying to get all the ducks in a row in my head. And lists! Oh, the lists I have.
Have been passing these around, shamelessly self promoting myself. I’m sure I’d have given you one, if I’d seen you. But do make sure you come along.
I have been looking at my lists and checking them twice (groan), and I think I’m practically ready. Just a few bits and pieces to pick up, a tin of paint here and a roll of tape there, and I’ll be ready to start installing. I anticipate it will be a pretty labour intensive couple of days. Of the four artworks in the show, three don’t yet exist – I’ll be installing them Monday/Tuesday.
And in breaking news – I have decided to scratch one work, in favour of another. Was reviewing photos of a corner of the gallery that has been causing me concern. I just don’t think what I planned is going to work in that space. So, I have decided to make an all new work, that’s never seen the light of day before. Site specific, with colours I have been working on.
It appears I’m a bit of a colourist. I play with colour in my journal, check site and go back to my journal, long before putting paint to wall. But I also work intuitively, decide what should be added as I go – I don’t plan it all out ahead of time.
Detail is minimal in the picture, but that’s a flat aqua house paint, watercolour and wood-grain-look vinyl.
So now you’ve had a sneak peak. Come along and see what it morphs into in the ‘flesh’.